

School Closure Policy

When winter weather arrives, with it come the inevitable school closures and bus cancellations. Generally we will follow Parkland County School’s lead when making decisions about school and/or bus closures, however MECCS’ policy regarding student transportation in inclement weather is as follows:When the safety of transporting bus students is at risk because of weather conditions, our Superintendent of Schools, in consultation with the Principal and the Bus Drivers, may choose to suspend school bus services and/or close schools.Weather guidelines that support the decision:
  • Visibility of less than 1 kilometer
  • Impassable rural roads
  • Temperature of -40°C
The final decision to send a child to the bus stop or to school rests with parents, even though buses may be operational. Parents are responsible for checking with the MECCS Facebook page and listening to the designated radio stations to receive the correct information with regard to school closures or bus cancellations. Local radio stations notified of bus and/or school closures:CHQT- AM 880CFCW – AM 790K97 – FM 97100.3 – FM 100.3CBC – AM 740 or FM 93.9We will also announce any bus and/or school closures on Global TV’s morning news program.Information on bus and/or school closures will also be posted on our Facebook page.!/groups/164419120320814/?bookmark_t=group